At Americans United for Life, we’re committed to advancing the human right to life in culture, law, and policy. We do this at the federal level, by working with and influencing all three branches of our federal government, and we do this work in the states, by working with advocates and lawmakers to pass robust laws that protect children, their mothers and fathers, and whole communities.
You can’t foster the kind of culture needed for a thriving America without family, without friends, without working together with a shared vision of a better future. We need allies in the work, or else it doesn’t get done.
The same is true in politics, especially at our federal level. Americans can elect powerful pro-life politicians, but if they’ve got no one to work with when they get to Washington, DC, if they’ve got no allies, no reliable staffers, no support–what can we really expect them to get done?
Saurabh Sharma, President of American Moment, is working to improve Washington and build community for the leaders who need it. We speak with Saurabh today on Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement, the stakes for pro-life law and policymaking, the work of American Moment and its mission and priorities, and potential post-Roe politics.