Ron Johnson came to Washington in 2010 after a successful 30-plus-year career in manufacturing because the federal government is bankrupting America. He thinks it is important for citizen legislators to ally with those who are seriously facing that reality. Ron’s experience starting a business, creating jobs and solving problems in the private sector taught him to attack the root cause of a problem, not mere symptoms.
Ron graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in business and accounting. As a boy, Ron mowed lawns, shoveled snow, delivered papers, and caddied for a few extra bucks. At the age of 15, he obtained his first tax-paying job as a dishwasher in a Walgreens grill. In 1979, he started his company – PACUR – and did everything from operating the equipment to keeping the company books, to selling its products and managing staff.
Ron served as Chairman of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee from 2015-2021 and is now the ranking member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.